Amos Comfort Dog
The loving nature of a comfort dog provides safe, non-judgmental, and loving compassion to those who are in need of comfort.

Meet Amos Comfort Dog!
The sweetest new resident of Loudoun County, Virginia, Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church received Amos, a beautiful Golden Retriever, in the fall of 2018. Amos is a trained comfort dog. He has been trained through Lutheran Church Charities to remain calm, loving, and friendly during visits within the community and at scenes of crisis.
What is a comfort dog?
It’s important to clarify that comfort dogs are not therapy dogs. Comfort and crisis response dogs are trained to handle stressful, crowded situations so that they can help people remain calm. People are encouraged to pet and engage with trained comfort dogs in situations of stress and sadness. Amos is a purebred Golden Retriever who can be trusted to interact with children and adults in calm and chaotic situations such as crisis scenes. Amos loves receiving hugs, sitting for petting, and laying close by when someone just needs to feel some extra love in moments of sadness.
Our teams are able to serve in a broad range of locations and wherever their services would be considered beneficial. Places we go include:
Crisis Response
Nursing Homes
Community Events
Rehab/Recovery Centers
Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church
Situated in the heart of Ashurn, Virginia, Our Savior’s Way Lutheran Church is a dynamic, growing church community offering fellowship activities for everyone.

Lutheran Church Charities
Amos is trained and provided by the Lutheran Church Charities Comfort Dog Ministry. LCC has over 130 comfort dogs in more than 30 states, trained to provide love and comfort to those in need. Learn more about this ministry at their website below.